Steven Worley Photography

Hello all, my name is Steven Worley.  I'm 26 and I've had a camera in my hand for the last ten years. I've been blessed to call Washington State home, and have enjoyed its beauty as long as I can remember. My home has definitely been a wonderful catalyst for pursuing photography. My love of photography has brought more value to my life and in more ways than anything else. It all started with skateboarding and taking photos of my friends while we were out in the streets. Since then, most of my photography has centered around my other hobbies of camping, exploring and generally enjoying my home to the fullest... usually day trips to the various parks and small towns that abound here. More so lately I've been finding myself doing more traditional photo jobs including weddings, parties, and business functions, as well as pursuing more travel photography. I do have a "9-5" here as a marine pipefitter too, so balancing jobs and everything else can be quite the challenge!


I find that I've done my best work in candid shots throughout my local trips and adventures. No doubt because of the love for what I'm doing. Many of my favorite shots were taken while I was completely in the moment. The goal every time I shoot is to capture the truth of the moment. The emotions, actions, and setting are crucial toward telling a story with a photo. Time is fleeting and there is a story to be told in every second.




Through my adventures and photos, I've managed to gain a lot of local following that has opened up so many new doors for me. Becoming a wedding and event photographer happened completely by accident, but I'm glad it did. It's so fun and rewarding to be the person capturing so many wonderful memories for other people. I will always love photographing my own memories, but I've found new meaning in using my skill to make other people happy.











It's been a wild ride so far, and I can't wait to find out what's ahead for me and my photography. If you're interested in seeing my work, hiring me for your own needs, or ordering prints of my photos, you can check out my website at, or my Instagram @stevenworley.


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