Terms Of Use - Printables
We have put a lot of time and effort into creating our printables and we hope you enjoy them!
By downloading Basic Invite printables, you agree to the following Terms of Use. This artwork is for personal, non-commercial use only. You cannot sublicense, resell, share, transfer, redistribute or modify in any other way.
What you are allowed to do:
- Print them as many times as you like for personal use only.
- Use a print out of the printables to create personal gifts for others. This is only allowed in printed product form and for non-commercial purposes.
- Edit our 'editable printables' in the designated fields.
- Feel free to share photos of the printable projects you've made or links to our product pages or tutorials. Please always tag @basicinvite and #basicinvite
What you are not allowed to do:
- Resell or commercially redistribute our printables in any way digitally or printed.
- Forward, share or redistribute the digital files. Email our printable files to your family, friends or customers. You purchased a license for personal use only. If others like to use the printable, they'll have to purchase their license.
- Share our printable PDF files in any other way, such as on a website, blog, social media outlet, file sharing service, hosting site, USB drive, CD, DVD, etc.
- Modify our printables or use any parts of our designs to recreate a new design. It is not allowed to add a logo or graphic to our printables.
- Remove any copyright notations from the printable templates.
- Use our printables for giveaways.
Additional Information
All artwork remains the copyright of Basic Invite, including the graphics, illustration, design elements, wording, images, and photos. If you'd like to feature our content on your site or social media, you can use up to 3 images per project.
If you have any questions, please contact us! Thank you!